We love Fall and we cherish Thanksgiving.
This is how we are celebrating this year;
Jomar wishes everyone a happy and fulfilling Thanksgiving. He hopes you enjoy eating lots of delicious food and spending time with family and friends.
Carol will be bringing along a Irish Soda Bread to share with her Irish cousins when she travels to the Boston Area for Thanksgiving.
Nancy says no to marshmallows, opting for brown sugar pecans on her sweet potato casserole. She will also be crafting her stuffing with our Mayflower Stuffing mix and some Jimmy Dean sausage. Bon Appetit!
Sonia will be helping her grandmother prepare a turkey dinner for her family using their secret ingredient: Turkey Trimming Seasoning! She says they love the mildly savory flavor and aromatic fragrance.
Alison’s favorite part of Thanksgiving is pie! Her trick is adding some of our Russian Mulling Spice to her apple pie. She also uses the same spice in a crock pot of warm cider to give is an extra special flavor that her three sons love.
Dan loves to relive golden memories. In honor of his beloved Grandmother Mim, that usually means recreating some of her best dishes. Green bean casserole always makes it on our menu, Dill Salt is his signature addition to this classic recipe.
To my deep regret, I don't have a lot of time to cook these days, but I am is never without a special gift for the hostess. This year I am thinking homemade pomander kits, in a basket of evergreens, accompanied by our Cinnamon Orange Soap and Cinnamon Orange Cleaning Spray.
I recently celebrated an early Thanksgiving in China. We didn't have turkey or grandma's meatballs, but we did get together to make pumpkin and apple pies. My guests were curious about what we would really do on Thanksgiving and I told them the day is meant to count our blessings and take a moment to connect with the people you care about.
However you choose to celebrate, the day, the location, and the food are all secondary to celebrating with gratitude and making the most of your time with the people you share those special moments with.
With gratitude,